What About The Law WAAK RADIO SHOW WHAT ABOUT THE LAW ▸ What you should do in a Auto Accident ▸ Tenant Law ▸ Wrongful Death ▸ Real Estate and Dog Bite Cases ▸ Medicare and Jury Selection ▸ Injuries with Minors ▸ Drug Testing and Workmans Comp ▸ Business Entities ▸ Deeds and Employment Discrimination ▸ Drug Testing and Insurance Selection ▸ General Court Systems and Releases ▸ How to pick a PI firm ▸ PI Laws & Wills ▸ Medical Bills/Treatment/Fraud ▸ Property Law/Neck & Back Injuries in PI Cases ▸ Imminent Domain and Discovery in PI Cases "WE HELP GET YOU THE MOST MONEY FOR YOUR SERIOUS INJURY"